Saturday, April 5, 2014

Trials & Tribulations~ Make us Stronger~

22 months is a long time. Good times & hard times were shared. I still can't believe it's the end but some things were not meant to last I guess. I have taken so many lessons from this relationship.
She has taught me many things that are useful for me to know. I have grown in many ways throughout the duration of the relationship.
I have learned that mixing friendships & working relationships is bad business. In the end it always backfires.
I have learned when I need to focus & try to be more serious. Listen to people & take their concerns more seriously, so to make them feel like I truly care.
I have learned that my BLOCKING things out WAYS makes me appear cold & heartless & insensitive at times. When in fact it's just the opposite. I block things that, hurt, scare, or that I think may make me too over emotional. It's a natural defense mechanism that I have utilized since I was a young child.
Never the less...  Sometimes things just cannot be seen due to this or that and in this case due to a severe case of not seeing eye to eye.
So I digress please write & cheer me up... I'll post some recent photos here as well, other wise my post would not be complete.

So in the past 2 years I have, lost significant income, lost 2 homes, lost the relationship with my father, lost the job I have had for 11 years due to lack of company support, lost 2 GOOD friends or so I thought they were.
What have I gained... I have gained a knowledge of my self. I have learned that you must always listen to those little voices & that stomach churning feeling you get when something is just not right. I have learned that I am a strong & resilient person who can overcome any obstacle because I am a true believer that Everything Happens for a reason. I have learned that I have a gift that nobody can take away from me and that is my own self worth & confidence. I believe in me. Everything happens for a reason & I have a brand new BETTER job... as well as my Photography is doing better than ever. I am me & I enjoy that all in itself!
I appreciate the lessons life has taught me, I appreciate the help, support & understanding, my mother has  given me, she is an amazing mom. I have 2 of the best friends anybody can ask for who have had my back & supported me through everything and backed off if needed as well. I love them for that. Lori Franciose & Christina Brown~ I will always treasure your support! I have the best life Mentor Alice Murphy who I will always treasure. I have the moral support of my sister, the laughs of Emily Manosh. So really when I look at it like that all in all i'm pretty damn rich~ 
Everything happens for a reason~ you can be at your lowest low... but you have to find a way... call a friend, start a journal, listen to upbeat music, watch funny movies, do things that make you laugh until your face hurts. Then when you can see a glimmer of hope YOU find a piece of strength within you to take one step at a time. Get up brush off all the hurt, anger, sadness, pain, take and do something you love... Find the reason this all happened and make it all worth it. 
I am in a good place & things will only get better from now on~ Because I Believe in ME~
And you
~Believe in You~
Thank you
Christy Gagnon

And don't forget to call and book you next photo session~
508 926 9958