This past Saturday I finally had the opportunity to meet an incredible little girl~ Mariana, is 2 years old.
Her smile is beautiful & contagious~
Mariana was born prematurely, she was due to be born on January 13th 2013, she was so anxious to arrive into the world she came on October 25th 2012. Mariana weighed just 2.2 lbs at birth, born during the 28th week of her mom Stacey Walden-Pimental's pregnancy. Mariana spent 2 days on life support, she had a grade 2 brain bleed as well many other medical complications.
Mariana was a fighter from day 1, her mother Stacey was nothing but optimistic, hopeful, and she truly believed that her baby was a miracle & would be perfect in no time.
Day after day people were hoping, praying & believing with Stacey & Mariana. Mariana would show signs of improvement each day. Stacey would sit & talk to her baby & tell her what a miracle she was & how much she was loved cherished & needed.
Mariana fought with all her little might and 2 months after being born... her and her family had a very Merry Christmas ...4 days before Christmas. Mariana got to go home for the first time on December 21, 2012.
I absolutely believe in a miracle~ Stacy believes Mariana is her miracle baby in more ways than 1. Stacey's strength & positive attitude through such a scary time is what she needed to do to survive. Stacey is strong, she is a fighter & she gives back to others.
Mariana is a miracle and a lucky little baby girl~