Monday, January 14, 2013

Vacation Week 1/7/13

I think my intensions are always to "get ahead" or "caught up" when I plan a week off of work. This time I wanted to just think about what I'd like to do next (job wise),  I wanted to spend some time with myself taking pictures, and doing things I never have time to do on an ordinary work week.

I will say AS USUAL the week did not go as I had planned in my head. There were many personal stressors as well as unexpected events that were both unpleasant and pleasant.

On Monday the weather was absolutely gorgeous... Sunny, cool, bright, I had the whole day to myself to do as I pleased. I started by updating my resume and sending a few out.
Then I decide to play with the camera a little...


After playing with my camera at home I jumped into the car and went on a photo adventure. I went all over the place, from Purgatory Chasm in Sutton Ma to Rt. 56 in Paxton to Wachussett Resevoir in West Boylston Ma, to name a few.  Along the way I stopped here and there randomly to take pics of different things I saw.

I have to say between the music that I had playing in my car and the beautiful weather I was really feeling good and getting into this adventure. When the Sun went down I had to head home to play home maker.

The rest of the week I had sporatic photo opportinities none like Monday  however, Tuesday I captured a beautiful Shot of the Worcester Train station barely missing sunset. I had to keep circling the off ramp and 290 to get a good shot so I'd day It was a lucky day. I hope to do a retake when someone else is driving on a sunny day to get a full sunset!!

Wednesday Morning was very sad and I do not want to put a lot in here about it but I just would like to write this... There are good people out there and sometimes bad things happen to good people for reasons that are unclear to us in THAT present moment.  Im sure Abby knew her momma loved her and took the very best care of her and that what happen to her was just a sad sad accident but that Heaven just needed a hero and Wed am it was Abby that was chosen.


The saying 'When you love something set it free, if it returns its meant to be' is ringing loud in my ears right now and I am and will be ok.

Please enjoy the pics, feel free to comment and Thank you for stopping by...

Christy Gagnon

~Believe in You~



  1. Nice pictures
    Mich :) <3

  2. Amazingly Beautiful!! I'm glad you took some "you" time. The word "Believe" suits you well!! I hope you believe in yourself everyday, because you do wonderful art with your pictures. One day, these will take you far. I am blessed to be able to get to know you and be a very small part of your journey in life. Your eyes capture what others only hope to see through the lens of your camera. I'm excited to see what comes next!!


  3. Thank you for your Comments... Mich & Christina...
    Christina you are a very small yet very significant part of the journey! We are on the same team at work, we have lots of goals to accomplish...
    Thank you so much for being so kind!
